

Our Trademark product KiddiMon enriches child safety through parent children collaboration and passive monitoring. Our parental control solutions help your to monitor and control your kids devices and track their online footprint.

Hospital Next

An Experienced Team of Software professionals, NEXTGN prides itself on bringing real world experience of software professionals to the aid of our clients in making their businesses more about people they serve and less about procedure.

We aim to deliver world class software solutions that not only simplify workloads but also create seamless people integration so that you can envision, establish and enhance your business to become more innovative and add more value to your clients

AutoLab TM

Provides complete automation of Pathology lab machine automation and workflow. Seamless one click pathlogy lab report delivers directly to patient email and phones.


PharmDoc is a unique and groundbreaking concept which brings doctors, patients and pharmacies under a single platform.


A smart vehicle dispatching system, which provides fleet management. Our IDVA (intelligent Driver and Vehicle Analytics platforms


MADS Revolutionizes the mobile advertising space with vendor driver ad campaigns which can be run globally at the click of a button. With Zone based pricing this product is first of its kind in the world.

Quick Support

UK - +44 7868776198
India - +44 7868776198
USA - 245 Park Avn, NY 10167
R & D Center - Govind Plaza, Mathura, 281121
UK - 25 CS, Canary Wharf, London, E14
For business and support
Email to:
UK: +44 (0) 7868 776 198